My husband is in country and we are back home adjusting. It's rough, exhausting, and we miss him terribly. My kids are exhausting to say the least, but as the days go by either I'm getting better at managing them or they are calming down and getting use to it being just Mommy. Or both perhaps? Either way, life seems to be getting easier.
Our communication is so much better this deployment then the ones we've done in the past. Our last 2 deployments, he was a on a ship. This time it's much different in a good way. I'm loving it and so thankful for it!
The past week I've been moping for lack of a better term. I'm determined to not let the deployment get the best of me though and wanted to blog about the GOOD side of deployment. There are many sucky, crappy parts of deployments and I could probably write pages on that issue. However, what's the point in being negative and focusing on the negatives? Nothing. So lets try to focus on the positives!
Here are the things I consider to be the best parts of deployments:
- TV, TV, TV. I actually get to catch up and watch all the shows I love, start new shows on Netflix, and enjoy my TV loving self!
- Time management. Since I don't have to worry about making time to spend with my husband, it frees up time to sleep in and still workout later on.
- Money. Obviously money is less tight during a deployment, so I'm able to splurge on an outing with the kids more often than when he's home.
- Dinner. I cook for the kids and then eat whatever the heck I want. He's been gone for almost two weeks and I've had breakfast for dinner 3 times already I think.
- Grocery shopping. It's so much easier cause I don't meal plan and just buy whatever looks good. Less work, quicker in and out, and still get yummy food.
- Me time. I can take a bath every night if I want, I can paint my nails every other day, I can watch chick flicks every day if I wanted. Not that I couldn't do all that while he's home, but I don't want to take away from our "us" time, but now it's just "me" time so I indulge more than I would when he's home.
- Less laundry. Nuff said.
- Less dishes. Same.
- Whole entire King Size bed to myself. Which really means his side is storage for my laptop, iPad, and whatever books I was reading in bed. I still sleep on my side, maybe shifted a little more inwards.
- Care Packages! Oh the fun in planning and packing these!
- Not caring if I look cute around the house.
- The excitement when the phone rings, or when my email pops up and it's from him. That feeling is amazing.
I'm sure there are more things I indulge in and enjoy while he's gone, but make no mistake -- I would trade ALL of that for having him home with us. Life with him home is better than anytime spent apart. The best benefit of a deployment is how it truly makes me appreciate having him home and what he does around here. We are counting the days, but glad to finally be on the count down rather than the prep before.
Let the time fly by! And until he's home, I'll have to enjoy taking photos of us together like this:
you've got this girlie!!!